Windows 10 Mobile Update bringt Vorlesefunktion
Kurz installiert: Nachdem am Mittwoch bereits das Windows 10 Insider Preview Update auf die Buildnumber 15025 für den PC ausgerollt wurde, folgt nun auch das Update der gleichen Nummer für Windows 10 Mobile. Also dem geliebten Windows Smartphone. Denn anders kann man die Treue in den aktuell schweren Zeiten zu seinem mobilen Device nicht bezeichnen. So viel Loyalität wird im Hause Microsoft mit einer nun eingeführten Vorlesefunktion für E-Books und dem Edge Browser belohnt.
Windows 10 Mobile Build 15025 Update
Für PC-Nutzer bereits schon länger bekannt, gibt es nun diese Vorlesefunktion auch für Träger des schwarzen Windows 10 Mobile Smartphone, mit einem Build 15025. Weiterhin liefert Redmond eine kleine Überarbeitung der Emojis.
Diese sind nun einmal durch den Tuschkasten gewandert und zeigen sich nun in einem farbenfrohen Gewand, anstelle des alten Schwarz/Weiß Design.
Freunde des Insider Programms können sich nun über den neuen Feedback Hub „Collections“ erfreuen. Hier werden nun gleichartige Probleme und Verbesserungsvorschläge zur besseren Übersicht gebündelt.
Standardmäßig gehört natürlich zu einem Update die Behebung von bekannten Fehlern. Doch so kurz die Liste der neuen Funktionen ist, umso länger ist die Liste der Bugfixes. Mit 29 Positionen möchte ich an dieser Stelle nicht über jeden einzelnen Bericht erstatten. Unter anderem gehören Outlook, Helligkeitsregulierung, Google Darstellung, Schnellstart-Button, Cortana und Continuum Druck-Probleme zu den behobenen Fehlern.
Wer sich noch einmal genauer einlesen möchte, klappt sich die folgende Original Windows 10 Mobile Update Liste einfach einmal aus.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the Outlook Mail and Calendar tiles sometimes no longer updating for some Insiders until the tile had been resized.
- We fixed an issue where insiders with certain devices, such as the Lumia 635 and 636, might not have been able to manually change the brightness.
- Windows 10 Mobile Insiders should no longer have trouble connecting to certain Google sites due to an implementation of a new security model being rolled out to further enhance user security.
- To help save characters when typing in fields with a character limit, we’ve added a new ellipsis child key for Latin-based languages (such as English, German, and French) when you press and hold the period key on the touch keyboard.
- We fixed an issue where the Quiet Hours quick action button in the Action Center wasn’t working in recent builds.
- We fixed an issue where notifications using stylized icons had an unexpected amount of padding underneath for high-DPI devices.
- We fixed an issue where receiving a new email notification and tapping on it to open the message wouldn’t open the Mail app or message.
- App developers can now request to pin their primary tile, just like secondary tiles, allowing apps to highlight their awesome live tiles – see this blog post for more info.
- We fixed an issue where on some Lumia phones, such as the Lumia 950, there was no dimming prior to the screen turning off.
- We fixed an issue where pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard in Continuum wouldn’t take a screenshot of the second display.
- We fixed an issue where preview thumbnails weren’t appearing as expected in the task switcher when using Continuum.
- We fixed an issue impacting apps written for Windows Phone 8.1, where they might crash if certain types of dialogs were open in the app and the touch keyboard came up.
- We improved battery life when OneDrive or similar tasks are running in the background.
- We fixed an issue where the Cortana live tile would appear blank and not showing the Cortana icon for some languages.
- We fixed an issue where pressing the mic button in Cortana, and then immediately pressing the Go button on the keyboard, would result in an “I can’t hear anything” error, rather than speech input being cancelled and a search performed.
- We fixed an issue where the description for the new Apps section of Settings referred to desktop settings rather than mobile ones.
- We fixed an issue where the touch keyboard wouldn’t dismiss after pressing enter when doing a search on the Apps & features Settings page.
- We fixed an issue where the media buttons on a keyboard connected to the phone over Bluetooth would stop working after Bluetooth had been turned off and back on.
- We fixed an issue where Settings might sometimes appear blank except for the search box (until it had been closed and reopened).
- We fixed an issue where the Settings gear would appear pixelated on high-DPI devices when Settings was pinned to Start.
- We fixed an issue where Settings might hang and then crash after tapping on “Fix Me” or “StartStop Insider preview Builds” on the Windows Insider Program Settings page.
- We fixed an issue where Settings would crash on the Sign-in options page if you tapped “I forgot my pin”, set it up again, then tapped “remove”.
- We fixed an issue where a string saying SystemSettings.ViewModel.SettingEntry was unexpectedly displayed on the Narrator Settings page.
- We fixed an issue that could result in the Messaging app icon on the lock screen sometimes appearing as a red X as opposed to the expected message bubble.
- We fixed an issue resulting in videos captured with the Camera app unexpectedly appearing with a greyed-out thumbnail in Photos.
- We fixed an issue on recent builds resulting in cellular connectivity sometimes unexpectedly not working after a reboot for Insiders on certain cellular networks.
- We fixed an issue with certain connected Bluetooth peripherals resulting in Groove Music not resuming playing music after ending a Skype call.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the Podcast app being muted after the app had been suspended.
- We fixed an issue resulting in Narrator not being able to read the list of possible tones that could be picked from ringtones when selecting an alarm tone in the Alarms & Clock app.